About us

WWDA is proud to represent all 11 workforce development boards across Wisconsin. As designated by the Workforce Investment Opportunity Act (WIOA), Workforce Development Boards develop strategies that guide regional efforts in ensuring workers have the skills they need to fill the jobs businesses create, as well as advocate for higher wages for workers, larger profits for businesses and stronger communities for all.

Our Mission

We are Wisconsin’s collective voice for workforce development through:

● Advocacy;

● Funding;

● Strategy;

● Collaborative Partnerships;

● Shared Resources;

● Training and Education;

WE think globally and act locally.

Our Vision

We enrich lives and communities in moving Wisconsin Forward.

Key Focus Areas

Four key focus areas developed out of the evaluation of the current and desired future states, survey responses, review of critical challenges and opportunities, and the subsequent team discussion.

Advocacy and Messaging - a focus on strengthening our collective voice and influence on state and federal workforce development issues and policies.

Shared Resources - a focus on sharing our collective knowledge and resources for the betterment of all eleven local workforce development areas.

Training and Education - a focus on developing and delivering robust solutions that move Wisconsin Forward.

Operational Structure - a focus on creating and sustaining an operational structure that supports and enhances our mission.